About these notes

About these notes#

These notes synthesize a linear algebra approach to econometrics for undergraduates. Students are exposed to theory that is commonly taught at a graduate level.

These notes draw heavily from texts by Green [Greene, 2018] and Wooldridge [Wooldridge, 2010].

In these notes we explore the following models/methods:

  1. Ordinary Least Squares

  2. Endogeneity and Instrumental Variables Regression

  3. Panel Data

  4. Maximum Likelihood

    • Probit and Logit

    • Tobit, Truncated Regression, and the Heckman Model

    • Conditional and Multinomial Logit

    • Count Data Models

  5. Bootstrapping


W.H. Greene. Econometric Analysis. Econometric Analysis. Pearson, 2018.


Jeffrey M Wooldridge. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. Volume 1 of MIT Press Books. The MIT Press, edition, December 2010.