Implementation in Stata#

The following code shows some of the mechanics for running a Tobit Model as well as ways we can use the model results after estimation. This uses a “toy dataset” that has only 1 dependent variable.

# or ["remove_output", "remove_input"]
# start a connected stata17 session
from pystata import config
webuse set ""
webuse toy_tobit
. clear

. webuse set ""
(prefix now "")

. webuse toy_tobit

. sum

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
       index |      5,000      2499.5     1443.52          0       4999
           y |      5,000    5.082118    .9811196   3.858572   8.662185
           x |      5,000   -.0008725    1.001673  -3.620101   3.748413


The first 5 rows of data looks like this

list in 1/5
     | index           y            x |
  1. |     0   4.2630254   -1.2008912 |
  2. |     1   4.6382766     .1366034 |
  3. |     2    4.776782    1.1964091 |
  4. |     3   6.8389654    .71531347 |
  5. |     4   5.2471644    .39031073 |

Of particular interest is our censored dependent variable \(\mathbf{y}\). The histogram is

hist y, frequency bin(20) graphregion(color(white)) ///
        title("Histogram of the Censored Dependent Variable") xtitle("y")
*graph export "/tmp/toy_tobit_hist.eps", replace
. hist y, frequency bin(20) graphregion(color(white)) ///
>         title("Histogram of the Censored Dependent Variable") xtitle("y")
(bin=20, start=3.8585718, width=.24018066)

. *graph export "/tmp/toy_tobit_hist.eps", replace

The scatterplot also shows how the censored values have been “stacked” on the lowering censoring point and how lower values of \(\mathbf{y}\) are dragged right towards the censoring point.

scatter x y, graphregion(color(white)) title("Scatterplot of x and y") ///
             msize(tiny) xtitle("x") ytitle("y") xlab(0(.5)9)
*graph export "/tmp/toy_tobit_scatter.eps", replace
. scatter x y, graphregion(color(white)) title("Scatterplot of x and y") ///
>              msize(tiny) xtitle("x") ytitle("y") xlab(0(.5)9)

. *graph export "/tmp/toy_tobit_scatter.eps", replace

To run the tobit model, we issue the command

egen a = min(y)
display "Lower Censoring Point (a): ", a
tobit y x, ll
. egen a = min(y)

. display "Lower Censoring Point (a): ", a
Lower Censoring Point (a):  3.8585718

. tobit y x, ll

Refining starting values:

Grid node 0:   log likelihood =   -6924.13

Fitting full model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood =   -6924.13  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -6813.1161  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -6810.4363  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -6810.4337  
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -6810.4337  

Tobit regression                                   Number of obs     =   5,000
                                                          Uncensored =   4,198
Limits: Lower = 3.86                                   Left-censored =     802
        Upper = +inf                                  Right-censored =       0

                                                   LR chi2(1)        = 1074.36
                                                   Prob > chi2       =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -6810.4337                        Pseudo R2         =  0.0731

           y | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
           x |   .5062554     .01488    34.02   0.000     .4770841    .5354267
       _cons |   4.986882   .0147063   339.10   0.000     4.958051    5.015713
     var(e.y)|    1.02864   .0232449                      .9840649    1.075235


where ll signals that Stata should use a lower censor limit.

Outputs from the Tobit Model#

Once we have run the model, we can use the results for creating parameter values that we might want to use for veryifying our understanding of the Tobit Model.


Stata Command








predict xb, xb

Example code using these special variables will create a new variable in your data space:

gen sigma = sqrt(_b[/var(e.y)])
gen logLike = e(ll)
gen beta_x = _b[x]
predict xb, xb

These can be used for replicating a number of the outputs available as postestimation commands. The following table lists the various expected values from the Tobit model, the formula it is based on, and the stata commands for generating marginal effects and predicted values, respectively.

Expected Value


Stata Command

\(E[y \shortmid y\hspace{.03in} obs]\)

\(\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T} + \sigma \frac{\phi \left(\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma} \right)}{1-\Phi \left(\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma}\right)}\)

margins, predict(e(a,.))

predict ycond, e(a,.)

\(Prob(\text{Not Censored})\)

\(1-\Phi \left(\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma} \right)\)

margins, pr(a,.)

predict probobs, pr(a,.)


\(\Phi \left (\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma} \right ) a + \left (1-\Phi \left(\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma}\right ) \right) \left [\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T} + \sigma \frac{\phi \left( \frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma} \right)}{1-\Phi \left (\frac{a-\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}}{\sigma} \right)} \right ]\)

margins, predict(ystar(a,.))

predict y, predict(ystar(a,.)


\(\mathbf{x}_i \beta^{T}\)

margins, xb

predict xb, xb

Noting that \(\beta^T\) are the estimates of \(\beta\) from the Tobit Model.